Our Impact

How We Make a Difference

We’re massively proud of the direct, positive impact our projects have on people and communities. The work we do improves physical health and increases mental and emotional wellbeing.

Have a read of our latest Impact Reports. Click on an image to open the report.

Our Covid-19 Response

This wonderful infographic created by one of our supporters shows our impact in numbers across the whole of 2020. Our fantastic volunteers stepped up to help with a range of temporary activities including prescription deliveries and welfare telephone calls.

Move Mates continued to grow despite the project going on hold for three months during the first lockdown.
An infographic showing our impact, what Move the Masses volunteers did in 2020

Move Map Outcomes

We promote locations and provide practical information on outdoor gym facilities and other ways to get moving on our Move Map. Our community engagement sessions and events enable people to learn how to use their local open spaces for exercise.

We have run over 200 free sessions to educate communities on how to use their local outdoor gyms.

We provide community engagement sessions to empower people to use their local open spaces for exercise.

“I had no idea about all these different exercises I could do on one piece of equipment!”

How Move Mates Has Helped

Move the Masses pair people up carefully and volunteers go the extra mile to enhance their beneficiary’s life, here’s some of the personal stories of how the charity has helped them.

There’s the young woman who suffered sudden loss of sight who now runs with her Move Mate.

The older woman who wanted to walk with someone and chat in Arabic.

The autistic young man whose one request was to walk with a dog as well as a buddy and now has a new canine friend.

The fit middle-aged woman who when diagnosed with early onset dementia thought her days of running were over, but who is now training for a 10k with her Move Mate.

The middle aged woman with chronic fatigue whose Move Mate helps her get out and about.