“I love it!
It benefits me so much. I love chatting to people and have really great conversations. During lockdown I regularly delivered to the same people in Rawcliffe, around Tower Court Pharmacy. We talk about their grand kids, them getting out on their bikes, all sorts really. It feels really special and I feel really privileged to get to know them.“
Often people are anxious when Debs arrives, and she talks about how you can see them physically relax when their medication is delivered. Debs feels it is an honour to provide that stress release and joy.
“One lady, last Friday, looked directly into my eyes and told me “You don’t know what this means” and it gave me goosebumps because it was clear how much it benefited her. “
Doorstep chats are a given for her. Debs loves the chatter and giving that extra bit of time to ensure people are ok.
When asked how she feels about Move the Masses, she was very enthusiastic
“I am so impressed by Move the Masses. It really highlights how fortunate York is to have a charity that has found various niches to support the wellbeing of vulnerable people and have provided those services so well.
Volunteering for them is a real bonus. I have made lots of new friends and hooked up with lots of my regular GoodGym friends too, many of whom volunteer here too. And the exercise side of the volunteering is amazing too. I ate loads during lockdown, but exercised harder because of my volunteering!“
Debs finished our conversations saying she wished she knew how many miles she had clocked up, thinking it must be in the hundreds.
And of course, Move the Masses monitor everyone’s volunteering stats and we are happy to say that Debs has:
Moved 232 items, of which 198 were prescriptions
Delivered 24 in one day alone (her highest number!)
Been part of the legendary 65 prescriptions-delivered-in-a-day team
Volunteered for a whopping 44 hours